....to my garden in all it's overgrown, weedy glory!

A few years ago, my boys started buying me frogs for my garden.

....did I say garden....it's looking more like a jungle right now!

With all the mosquitoes this year, the frogs are about the only ones enjoying the garden. We have yet to sit in the two chairs in this picture.

My gardening style couldn't be any more different from my Mom's. She likes space around each individual plant...I like a wild mass of different kinds of flowers. My thinking is that if I get enough flowers growing, eventually they will choke out the weeds....so far, it's not quite working!

This isn't a very good picture, but it's a yellow rose my husband bought for me...they are my favorite...I carried a single yellow rose for our wedding.

Edited to add these photos from a later date. You can see more of the Gazebo HERE.
There's a separate post about building the gazebo: DIY Garden Gazebo
* Note: We sold this house in the spring of 2012. The new owners have made some great improvements, but removing all of the flowers wasn't one of them!
This was my favorite spot...a hidden patio behind the gazebo.
The view from the road.
And the view from the deck.
This photo shows the front of the house with the gazebo.
There's a separate post about building the gazebo: DIY Garden Gazebo
* Note: We sold this house in the spring of 2012. The new owners have made some great improvements, but removing all of the flowers wasn't one of them!
I like the wild look to but mine gets too wild also. I figure if I have enough blooms no one will notice the weeds! Forgot to mention your delphiniums in the post above. Beautiful! I can't seem to grow them. Jean